Ocean Science in Action banner showing scenes from the videos

All MOOC resources and new videos are now transferred to the UN Ocean Decades project Ocean Science in Action

(Online Learning and Capacity Development Resources hosted by the National Oceanography Centre, UK)



Ocean Science in Action: Addressing Marine Ecosystems, Food Security and Climate Change Impacts, is freely available online. The course introduces you to innovative marine technologies and their applications used to tackle the challenges of the sustainable management of marine ecosystems.

Marine autonomous systems are becoming ever more reliable and easy to use for environmental observations – at a fraction of the cost of a research ship. Earth observation satellites monitor the oceans daily, collecting a wide range of marine data, most of which are freely available from global archives. Ocean models of increasingly high resolution make it possible to explore regional ecosystem dynamics and gain insights into reasons for variability and change.

Together with our leading researchers, you will explore how these technologies can form the basis for environmental research and monitoring programmes to deliver decision support for marine policy development and resource management.

Using case studies from the Indian Ocean, you will learn how marine science can be applied to the sustainable management of local marine ecosystems, and how this may contribute global efforts to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Who Is This Course For?

This course is designed to be accessible to anyone with an interest in ocean management and conservation, the technology used to study the ocean, and the impact of climate change on the marine environment.

It would particularly appeal to people working within marine-related industries, such as fisheries, in the Western Indian Ocean, and those who study this ocean region.