
SOLSTICE-WIO is a four-year project funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF).  The project addresses three sustainable development  challenges facing developing countries:

  • Secure and resilient food systems
  • Resilience and action on short-term environmental shocks and long-term environmental change
  • Reduction in poverty and inequality

Partners and project activities

The project brings together 21 organisations from the UK and Western Indian Ocean.  Together they will:

  • undertake collaborative research focusing on case studies from Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa,
  • increase research capability through mentoring of early-career scientists,  training courses and on-line tutorials for marine professionals,
  • build on existing regional initiatives to engage with policy makers and fisheries managers to meet their information needs, 
  • work with local communities to build on their understanding of the issues and increase ocean literacy by sharing scientific information.


Cape Town Port Elizabeth Grahamstown Maputo Toliara Seychelles Dar es Salaam Zanzibar Mombasa PML NOC NOC Heriot Watt SAMS Cape Town Port Elizabeth Grahamstown Maputo Toliara Dar es Salaam Zanzibar Mombasa Seychelles PML NOC NOC SAMS Heriot Watt

Regional Case Studies

The project will demonstrate its approach through three case studies, identified by the local project partners as important for food security and economic development in three WIO countries:

  • Kenya: Emerging fishery of the North Kenyan Bank: the next frontier for food security of the coastal population (led by Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute)
  • Tanzania: Pemba Channel small pelagics: threats and opportunities of climate change (led by the Institute of Marine Sciences in Zanzibar)
  • South Africa: Ecosystem shifts & fishery collapse: South African Chokka squid fishery (led by Nelson Mandela University)